Bain Real Estate

Bain Real Estate

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Cornwall Castle

Cornwall's Castle is now offered with 545 acres (outlined in red below) and for only $5,950,000!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Some January thoughts of the Cornwall Real estate market

Welcome to winter in West Cornwall. As you know that means snow/sleet/rain and the occasional spring-like day to really confuse us. Our real estate market reflects the changing weather, too.

At this time last year there were 38 homes for sale in Cornwall. In this calendar year there have only been 10 home sales outside family transfers. One of those sales was a 30 acre property which had been on the market over 3 years, originally listed at $1,400,000 and closed at $850,000. Another was a 13 acre property with 2 barns and a fine house which closed in only a few months at $1,320,000 just $55,000 off the asking price. Realistically priced properties are selling even in a slow market. One positive development is that the past 3 months have seen more activity than the first 7 months of the year.

The newly formed Cornwall Business Association is planning a midwinter "stroll" late day on February 18th. It will include the best known locations like the Wish House and the Wandering Moose as well as other surprises, like Bain Real Estate who will host several other businesses such as Suzie's Sweets and Daval and the Serene Bean!